Most often in a Christian life we struggle with the very idea of living a victorious life purchased by the blood of Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary.
You and me are not called to either live a defeated, sinful, fearful, struggling or dead life (paradox ! – you can breathe and still be dead – I have been one and have seen many around too). But the Christian calling is into an abundant life (John 10:10)…life in its FULLNESS – All encompassing richness. Did not the scripture say we have Peace, Joy and Righteousness in the Holy Spirit of God.
Oh …! How many times we have heard this and read this.
The problem is not that it gets repeated but it is to do with our comprehension, understanding and applying the same to our context. If only one can do it, that soul is the one that will cherish the most of the life on earth and in heaven.
How do we then live this abundant life? There are No shortcuts.
Lord Jesus knowing our frailty, being the perfect Holy Priest and our Brother is constantly interceeding for us – bridging the gap. You don't need any other mediums and means to reach your Abba. Put a word to your Brother Jesus who is the Eternal Priest who will win grace, mercy and goodness for your life forever.
No traditions can do it.
No vows and offerings can match this.
None can replace this.
The Eternal Holy Priest knew how to offer His Blood for our redemption. How much more He knows to pray for us to our Abba.
What should we do then? Just two 'W's will summarise this: Worship & Word.
■ Worship on bended knees – Ask the Master how to do it. Through out His life on earth He just pleased Abba who sent Him. Doing His will was His food. His life was a life of Worship. He found time to fellowship with Abba. These are the intimate moments that are required. Mind you, most of this happened not in any buildings or religious structures. Even the prayer He thought is not a prayer of formula (how many of us have this 'formula psychosis' and ridiculous repetitions). In His prayer, He just related to Abba. Period. If you can do this, you have Worshipped Him. If you can express and demonstrate your love to the Trinitarian God that is Worship. That's between you and God. Follow the Eternal Holy Priest Jesus Christ who modelled it. No books and liturgies can replace this.
■ Word – you need to read the Word and moresoever hear the anointed Word from the pulpit. If you sense a nudge in your spirit that word is diluted, soul pleasing and no more challenging and encouraging just get to the pasture where you can enjoy the banquet. "..It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."( Mat 4:4 ). Do not compromise on this. If Word is not there, there is no vision. Where there is no vision, there is only death. (Gen 15:1, 1 Sa 3:1, Psa 119:105, Pro 29:18)
By the way, these are not my convictions but the Truth. Rest needs justification, explanation, clarifications, doctrines and forums. Truth rest on itself.
Lets stop all our fancy works and acrobatics before the Throne of God and approach Him through Worship & Word.
If you are blessed…pass on the blessing.
Be blessed and stay alive in Christ Jesus who is Lord forever and who is to come!