I never knew that meditating on something as simple as Psalm 23 can just change you 180 degree and I am glad I did it. Oh what a joy it is to know that my Lord God is my Shepherd and I shall not want. What do I need other than this assurance in life …the blessed assurance my Savior gives. I am just so thrilled and excited in life that the joy of the Lord keeps abounding in measures unknown.
How could someone miss this or ever think of not having this in life. I pity that soul which does not know have a glimpse what is in my heart. The righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost that none give and none can take. I would not dare to loose this or ever miss it anymore.
I am not talking about a feeling or knowledge or thinking or …but just being with Him who leads you in green pastures and quiet waters. Just the comfort he gives you what matters as His goodness and mercy shall follow me (us) always.
I know this is just a scribble but I had no other way than to express it. Oh my soul rejoices in Lord my Savior and I shall not want.
Be blessed!