"...My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness. And my mouth shall praise you with joyful lips. When I remember you upon my bed, I meditate upon you in the night watches. Because you have been my help therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice!"" (Psalms 63:5-7)
Why are you down cast my soul…Don't you know that the God thy refuge is the only one in whom you can hope and trust and find your satisfaction.
These are constant theme that King David (The Psalmist) use to say to himself as though he is addressing a 3rd person. He recalls and rehearses all the goodness that he has enjoyed in God than brood over the times of difficulty. In fact when he recalls difficulty of the past, he ends it by recalling the goodness, mercy and deliverance that he enjoyed from God through those times.
What a lesson to learn and act on today than in the past. So many times we end up looking at the past and cry than look at the goodness and blessings we have today. We go on and on with "It could have been good…if it could have happen the way that I thought" but forget the blessing, mercy and the provision of the present moment and the future we have in HIM.
Some tips*:
#1 - Get some distance between yourself and the negative, unresourceful emotional state you find yourself in.
#2 -Remember and rehearse (especially out loud) the great things God has done for you in the past
#3 - Maintain a spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving! Create a "Gratitude List" and review it often!
*David encouraged himself. I found it interesting that the Bible does not say "God encouraged David" or that a "prophet appeared to encourage David" (as so often that does happen in the Scriptures) but that David encouraged himself.
Key#1 "When it comes to the situations you are facing -no matter how bad - you have a choice about what and how you feel in the situation. You have a choice about how you will go through and experience your situation."
Key#2 - "Your emotional experience in a situation is not determine by the situation. It is determined by you."
Be blessed and be a blessing!
Warm regards,
Source: * http://www.renewingyourmind.com/Sermons/Encouraging_Yourself_in_the_Lord-2.htm
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