In my younger days, I remember, my mom going through the grind of baking a cake - the entire family will be involved in one way or the other – shopping, grinding, mixing, tasting etc. The cake in itself was not the centrality but the essence of it was the family being together in 'baking' the outcome 'The Christmas cake'.
Today, the Christmas has become mostly instant cakes out of the shelves, shopping, merry making etc. However, the very essence and centrality of 'Christmas' – Christ Jesus whose birthday it is suppose to be is missing in action. He is not included in anything. It has become more the marketing success of few MNC's and retail chains to attract and push their goods on people. The success of Christmas has become more on the outcome of travel plans during the holidays and 'TO' – turn over of the retail outlets.
We have become more influenced by the crowd mentality and made this great feast of the 'groom' to a pagan feast of 'Yule'.
What will we answer to the 'groom' when he comes knocking. Here we have the "Glamorous Church" and say Come Lord ..Come or please restore us Lord for we need your grace to make this Church into a glorious one, which is truly the bride.
This Christmas let's take small steps to make 'The Christ' the essence of Christmas as the King of the feast than making corporate Honchos the Kings of this world.
Lets start from the basic greetings to one another by saying "Wish you a blessed Christmas" than Merry Christmas – We are not in the business of merry making but in the business of being a blessing – blessing to the nations is what we are called for.
Let the world celebrate the "Yule" but we will Celebrate the Grace and Truth revealed and given to us through the Groom – The Christ Jesus – King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Maranatha …Come Lord Jesus Come!
Let this Christmas bake with the Christ Jesus - the King of this feast.
Warm regards,
Christus Frank Antony
Chennai, India Gratitude builds Attitude