I just feel the pressure of anxiety and uncertainty - the more I realize the importance of God - Christ risen. If only I can have a little piece of shalom - the peace Christ promised and 'caritas' - His love.
A heart longing ...
- Christus
" VATICAN CITY, APRIL 16, 2006 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI made an Easter plea for peace in the name of the resurrection of Jesus, particularly in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.
After celebrating Easter Mass today, and before imparting the blessing "urbi et orbi" (to the city of Rome and the world), the Pope read a message for "this modern age marked by anxiety and uncertainty."
The Holy Father said: "Jesus is risen, and he gives us peace; he himself is peace. For this reason the Church repeats insistently: 'Christ is risen -- "Christós anésti."' Let the people of the third millennium not be afraid to open their hearts to him.
"His Gospel totally quenches the thirst for peace and happiness that is found in every human heart. Christ is now alive and he walks with us. What an immense mystery of love!"
"Christ is risen because God is love," The Pontiff said in Latin at the end of his message. "'Christus resurrexit, quia Deus caritas est!' Alleluia!" "
After celebrating Easter Mass today, and before imparting the blessing "urbi et orbi" (to the city of Rome and the world), the Pope read a message for "this modern age marked by anxiety and uncertainty."
The Holy Father said: "Jesus is risen, and he gives us peace; he himself is peace. For this reason the Church repeats insistently: 'Christ is risen -- "Christós anésti."' Let the people of the third millennium not be afraid to open their hearts to him.
"His Gospel totally quenches the thirst for peace and happiness that is found in every human heart. Christ is now alive and he walks with us. What an immense mystery of love!"
"Christ is risen because God is love," The Pontiff said in Latin at the end of his message. "'Christus resurrexit, quia Deus caritas est!' Alleluia!" "