VATICAN CITY, JUNE 17, 2011 ( ).- Here is the address Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Benedict XVI's secretary of state, delivered Thursday upon opening the Executive Summit on Ethics at the Vatican. The summit, which was organized by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, ends Saturday * * * I am pleased to greet the participants in this important Summit that has brought together so many world leaders in the areas of business, the economy and finance. I do not intend to enter into the technical or practical aspects of your deliberations in these days, but rather to offer a few reflections on the anthropological, spiritual and ethical foundations of your activity in the light of the Church's social teaching – and particularly the understanding of business and management set forth in the Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate. It is most fitting that you have chosen to make that document central to your reflections at this conference, which is look...
Lumen = Light = Enlightenment; Caritas = Love = Agape; Logos = Word = Knowledge; The three key elements that man is in search for centuries. I am also on the journey…as I keep blogging …let me try unravel the Truth and Reality…