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Showing posts from April, 2010

Benedict XVI's Papacy a Failure?

Not Even by Society's Standards By Carl Anderson NEW HAVEN, Connecticut , APRIL 12, 2010 ( ).- In early April, the German Magazine Der Spiegel weighed into the recent attacks on the Church with the following headline: "The Failed Papacy of Benedict XVI." Failed papacy? Not by a long shot. Even by this world's standards, the papacy of Pope Benedict has been remarkable. He has led the Church forward with a focus on engaging the culture around us with love. His two encyclicals on charity, his encyclical on hope, and his letter on the Eucharist -- Christ at the center of our faith -- have taken us back to the most basic and profound message of Christianity -- faith, hope and charity. Benedict's Christianity is the Christianity of the Beatitudes. The reason some see a "failed papacy" is that they want to see just that. Too many in Europe want to see this papacy fail -- any papacy fail -- because the Church stands counter to their secula...