How Sharp Is Your Ax? "If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed but skill will bring success" (Eccl 10:10). Manufacturing companies live and die by the ability of its designers, engineers, and staff to bring new products to market quickly. Yet for many organizations, a team's capacity to turn promising ideas into new revenue is diminished because of fragmented business processes, a geographically dispersed workforce, and a lack of standards across the supply chain according to an industry expert on innovation in technology. We live in an information age where the level of knowledge is increasing at warp speed. The way you did things two years ago may not be the same way you do it today. The knowledge you have two years ago may not be adequate to compete in the global marketplace today. Businesses have gone bankrupt because they were not willing to change with the times. Have you seen a Polaroid camera lately? Do you know someone over ...
Lumen = Light = Enlightenment; Caritas = Love = Agape; Logos = Word = Knowledge; The three key elements that man is in search for centuries. I am also on the journey…as I keep blogging …let me try unravel the Truth and Reality…