There is a disturbing voice which is reverberating and its echoes are heard across the mountains and valleys. People are running like herds; churched and unchurched are the same in this. The voice that I hear is so familiar to all of us thought it might take various forms. “As a man thinketh, so is he” Wow. What a powerful truth. It will change your world. The power of your thinking, imagination, fantasy can just change you and therefore change your world. That’s nothing new. Isn’t it? What saddens me is the great philosophers of the world have screamed this aloud for several centuries now but I have not seen anyone changing for Great but just turn miserable. I do understand what you are going to say – does not the bible say so. Brilliant so you know the Bible; Am glad that you know the Word of God. Lets look at the verse in detail “.. as a man thinketh, so is he…” Prov. 23: 7 Should we look at only the verse 7 a or should you want to look at 7b as well. The full verse goes like this: ...
Lumen = Light = Enlightenment; Caritas = Love = Agape; Logos = Word = Knowledge; The three key elements that man is in search for centuries. I am also on the journey…as I keep blogging …let me try unravel the Truth and Reality…